The only place you could know that is from my original birth certificate. 只有我的出生证明上会用到这个名字。 original equipment acceptance certificate signed and affixed by the end-user and the seller. 由最终用户和卖方签章的设备验收证书正本一份。
After having approved the application, the Registration Authority will take back the owner's original Website Name Registration Certificate, issue a new one and make an announcement. 经注册机关核准后,收回其原有《网站名称注册证书》,重新颁发《网站名称注册证书》并予以公告。
White House officials are distributing copies of an original birth certificate which shows that President Obama was born in the United States. 白宫官员正在分发一份出生证原件的复印件,这份出生证显示奥巴马总统生于美国。
Original invoice and certificate of Origin without Legalized by Kuwait Embassy or Consulate are acceptable. 可以接受没有科威特大使或领事签字的发票正本和原产地证。
Jessica: Do you take the original certificate with you? 杰西卡:你把证书原件带来了吗?
The photocopy of the legal business certificate and the original bank credit certificate of the foreign enterprise; 外国公司的合法开业证明和银行资信证明;
They said their suspicions were based on the president's failure to supply his original birth certificate. 他们说,他们怀疑的依据是奥巴马总统未能提供出生证的原件。
One original non-wooden package certificate issued by the manufacturer or one original certificate certifying the wood packing material have been labeled with "IPPC" mark. 一份由制造商出具的非木制包装证明原件,或者一份证明木制包装材料贴有“IPPC”标记的证书原件。
They should also contain a reference to the name and address of the original manufacturer and to the original batch Certificate, a copy of which should be attached. 此外,还应附注原始制造商的名称和地址以及原始分析报告单,并附上复印件。
ATTENTION: In the Netherlands you will need an original birth certificate to register at the townhall, that may not be older than six months when you register! 请注意:您在荷兰当地市政厅登记时,需要提供认证好的出生公证书原件,该公证书的有效期是六个月。
A current, original certificate that indicates the applicant's name and test score must be sent to the graduate admissions office. 请将最近一次的带有申请者姓名及考试成绩的原版语言证书发送至研究生录取办公室。
One original inspection certificate of quality issued by ENTRY-EXIT INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. 一份由中华人民共和国进出口检验检疫机构开立的质检证明正本。
Where the director is satisfied that the original of any noise certificate has been lost or destroyed he may issue a duplicate thereof. 如处长信纳任何噪音标准合格证明书的正本已遗失或销毁,则他可发出该证明书的复本。
One original of Approved Certificate Counterfoil filled by enterprises whose stock rights are changed ( only the items of change). 填报股权变更后的企业《批准证书存根》原件1份(只填写变更事项)。
If you have graduated from senior middle school, you must supply your original graduation certificate. 如果您是高中毕业的,您必须提供高中毕业证原件。
The proof, original certificate of change of vehicle ownership. 《机动车登记证书》原件。
Upon completion of inspecting the dangerous machine or equipment the agent inspector shall sign the original certificate and specify the valid certification period for those fulfill the requirements; 代行检查员于实施危险性机械或设备之检查后,合格者,应即于原合格证上签署,注明有效期限;
So the president asked the state of Hawaii to waive its usual policy and allow copies of the original birth certificate to be made public. 于是奥巴马总统要求夏威夷州免除通常执行的政策,允许公布出生证原件的复印件。
On Wednesday Trump took credit for forcing the release of the original birth certificate, and said he hopes it settles the matter. 星期三,特朗普把迫使总统公布出生证原件一事归功于自己,并说但愿这会解决问题。
One of the certificates in the chain was issued by a certification authority that the original certificate had certified. 证书链中的某一证书由原证书的证书颁发机构颁发。
Original Medical Certificate issued by the attending doctor stating the nature and extent of injuries, diagnosis and what kind of treatments were provided. 主诊医生之诊断书正本详细列明损伤之程度及原因、诊断结果及所提供之医疗方法。
The borrower may, after return the original certificate of creditability back, prepay all or any part of the loan. 借款人归还本资信证明书正本后可以提前退还全部或部分贷款。
Original policy or insurance certificate and the original commercial invoice. 保险单或保险凭证(大、小保单)原件以及商业发票原件。
Original copy of certificate of incorporation; 企业注册登记证原件;
After examination and approval by the Trademark Office, the original Trademark Registration Certificate shall be returned with the necessary notation, and the renewal shall be published. 经商标局核准后,将原《商标注册证》加注发还,并予以公告。
If the report of loss is approved, the amount indicated in the original time deposit certificate and the interests incurred shall continue as a pledge. 挂失生效,原定期存单所载的金额及利息应继续作为出质资产。
Original copy of diagnoses certificate and receipt and detailed documents for hospitalization; 医院诊断证明以及住院收据住院明细文件原件;
An extended scheme of Certificate Verification Tree, which is completely comparable to the former two schemes, is proposed by issuing more short validity certificates to a signer at a time. And this scheme also inherits most of the advantages of the original Certificate Verification Tree. 通过一次性为签名人颁发更多的短时效证书,将证书验证树方案进一步扩展,得到的方案与前两个方案在性能上完全具有可比性,并且继承了原方案的大部分优点。
Pre-file the project files are an important component of the project are construction certificate documents and basic materials, is a main unit for the permanent preservation of the original certificate of legal nature. 前期档案是工程项目档案的重要组成部分,是工程建设的凭证性和基础性文件材料,是一个主体单位永久保存的法律性原始凭证。